Optic Source Components

Optical source/modulator/driver components and small modules. Pin-out is type-1 for almost all 980nm, 14xxnm pump lasers, and some 1.3um analog lasers. Pin-out is type-2 for most 1.55um and 1.3um signal lasers (some signal lasers with wavelength locker, built-in modulator, special analog modulation, special temperature control would have special pin-out definition., some analog lasers have type-3 pin-out). See type-1 and type-2 pin-out definition diagram .

Limited warranty info for laser modules:
Lasers are very easy to get damaged and degraded by surge current, too high current/temperature/output-power, and optical reflection. You must use it very carefully with fully verified controller and system. When you receive ordered lasers, you must verify the working condition on laser itself firstly, using suitable and fully verified laser current and temperature controller. We only guarantee the laser working condition before laser inserted into system. After you put laser device into systems, we will not guarantee the laser working condition any more. Optical power of systems may launch into laser and damage laser, especially for pump lasers. You may need add isolator or filter around laser. If you are not familiar with using laser diode, you can check Precautions-for laser diode , especially on surge protection. You may use  laser driver .
Tip: You can try cheap visible-light LED in your system before you use laser diode.

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